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How Many Golf Courses Span the United States? The Astounding Total Might Surprise You

Golf’s expansive imprint across America might surprise even the most avid players. The United States contains far more golf courses than any other country worldwide, with a staggering total...

How Many Acres is a Regulation Golf Course? Essential Sizing Breakdown

Do you know how much land area it takes to play an immersive 18 holes of golf? From the first tee to the last green, acres add up fast. The typical golf course occupancy ranges based on holes...

What is the Walker Cup Golf Tournament? History and 2023 Review

What is the Walker Cup, a mini Ryder Cup for top amateurs? Every two years, the Walker Cup pits amateur golfers from the US against Great Britain and Ireland in a biennial team competition to...

How Much Are Golf Lessons? Price per Hour Breakdown

Do you cringe thinking about how much those golf pros charge per lesson? Hourly golf instruction rates can vary anywhere from $20 to over $200 depending on the trainer, format and location. Before...

What is a Links Golf Course?

Links golf only began because Scottish sheep liked to burrow into the sandy soil near beaches, creating uneven terrain perfect for hitting a golf ball. Links golf courses retain the authentic spirit...

What Does “GOLF” Actually Stand For? Inside Golf’s Gender-Discriminatory History

Ever wonder what the word “GOLF” actually stands for and where this peculiar acronym originated? GOLF is an abbreviation coined centuries ago for the exclusionary phrase “Gentlemen...

Blog Posts

How to Fix a Slice in Golf

Are you tired of your golf ball consistently slicing off target? Fixing a slice in golf is a common...

What is a Draw in Golf?

Ever wondered how the pros shape their shots and navigate the most challenging courses with ease?...

Is Golf With Friends Cross Platform?

Have you ever wanted to play Golf With Friends with your buddies, but found that you all own...

How to Increase Golf Swing Speed: The Complete Power and Speed Training Guide

Struggling with a slow, ineffective golf swing that bleeds yards off your drives? Wondering how the...

How to Organize Your 14 Divider Golf Bag Like a Pro for Faster Club Access

Struggling to swiftly grab the right club from your cluttered golf bag? Learning how to effectively...

What is a Shamble in Golf? Mastering the Strategic Team Tournament Format

Have you ever wondered what the term “shamble” means when golfers talk about an...

How to Carry a Golf Bag Properly Without Strain or Injury

Struggling under the literal weight of an overstuffed golf bag leads to backaches rather than...

Who Owns Pebble Beach Golf Course? Unpacking 100+ Years of Ownership at the Iconic Resort

For over 100 years, world-renowned Pebble Beach golf links has both thrilled sport icons and stumped...

What is a Shank in Golf and How Can You Cure This Frustrating Miss?

Ever hit a shot that screamed off the course at a weird sideways angle? If so, you’ve likely...