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Is Golf Actually Considered a Legitimate Sport? An In-Depth Analysis

With over 60 million global golfers and iconic major tournaments like The Masters, is golf truly considered an athletic sport or just a casual hobby? Golf exhibits key traits like physical demands...

How to Deep Clean Your Golf Clubs for More Spin and Lower Scores

Tired of losing balls in the rough because your 7-iron won’t hold the green anymore? Grimy golf gear could be the culprit. Thoroughly cleaning your clubs from grip to head reslosing balls in the...

How to Calculate Your Golf Handicap in 6 Easy Steps

Do you dread playing competitive rounds of golf against better golfers who seem to always have the upper hand? Learning how handicaps work and calculating your own can transform your golf matchups...

How Long Does 18 Holes of Golf Take? Essential Factors Explained

Do you ever worry about the time it will take to play 18 holes of golf? Many factors from player skill to course difficulty impact pace of play. Playing a full round of golf consists of navigating 18...

How to Hold a Golf Club: Consistent Ball-Striking and Lower Scores

Struggling with wayward shots and ballooning scores? Revisiting golf grip fundamentals provides the bedrock for excellence. Mastering essential golf grip and setup protocols along with matching...

How Much is Topgolf? The Complete Pricing Guide

Topgolf’s fusion oftec-driven golf games, drinks and fun looks enticing, but between rental equipment, bay fees and more, how much will launching that neon-printed ball set you back? From...

Blog Posts

How to Fix a Slice in Golf

Are you tired of your golf ball consistently slicing off target? Fixing a slice in golf is a common...

What is a Draw in Golf?

Ever wondered how the pros shape their shots and navigate the most challenging courses with ease?...

Is Golf With Friends Cross Platform?

Have you ever wanted to play Golf With Friends with your buddies, but found that you all own...

How to Increase Golf Swing Speed: The Complete Power and Speed Training Guide

Struggling with a slow, ineffective golf swing that bleeds yards off your drives? Wondering how the...

How to Organize Your 14 Divider Golf Bag Like a Pro for Faster Club Access

Struggling to swiftly grab the right club from your cluttered golf bag? Learning how to effectively...

What is a Shamble in Golf? Mastering the Strategic Team Tournament Format

Have you ever wondered what the term “shamble” means when golfers talk about an...

How to Carry a Golf Bag Properly Without Strain or Injury

Struggling under the literal weight of an overstuffed golf bag leads to backaches rather than...

Who Owns Pebble Beach Golf Course? Unpacking 100+ Years of Ownership at the Iconic Resort

For over 100 years, world-renowned Pebble Beach golf links has both thrilled sport icons and stumped...

What is a Shank in Golf and How Can You Cure This Frustrating Miss?

Ever hit a shot that screamed off the course at a weird sideways angle? If so, you’ve likely...