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How to Finally Fix Your Frustrating Golf Slice For Good

Do you cringe every time you send your golf ball veering wildly right of your target? You’re not alone – the slice is the most common affliction for amateur golfers. But having this...

How to Get an Official USGA Golf Handicap Index

With over 15,000 golf courses in the U.S. alone, it’s no wonder beginners and seasoned golfers alike need a handicap index to track scoring potential and set up fair tournament play. Determining...

How to Grip a Golf Club for Consistent Ball Striking

Gripping a golf club the wrong way leads to inconsistent, frustrating shots. Learning proper hand positioning, wrist alignment and grip styles tailored to your game lays the groundwork for solid ball...

How Much Does a Golf Simulator Cost in 2024?

Have you ever wondered what it would cost to bring the golf course right into your own home or facility for play any time, in any weather? Installing a versatile, realistic golf simulator runs $3,000...

How Much Does a Golf Cart Weigh?

Golf carts may seem tiny and featherlight, but scaling the scales reveals weight differences between hundreds of pounds that seriously change how they drive and function for golf and beyond. The...

How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last? Key Factors that Impact Lifespan

Do you find yourself constantly wondering if your golf cart’s batteries are about to die, leaving you stranded out on the course? The lifespan of golf cart batteries varies substantially based on...

Blog Posts

How to Fix a Slice in Golf

Are you tired of your golf ball consistently slicing off target? Fixing a slice in golf is a common...

What is a Draw in Golf?

Ever wondered how the pros shape their shots and navigate the most challenging courses with ease?...

Is Golf With Friends Cross Platform?

Have you ever wanted to play Golf With Friends with your buddies, but found that you all own...

How to Increase Golf Swing Speed: The Complete Power and Speed Training Guide

Struggling with a slow, ineffective golf swing that bleeds yards off your drives? Wondering how the...

How to Organize Your 14 Divider Golf Bag Like a Pro for Faster Club Access

Struggling to swiftly grab the right club from your cluttered golf bag? Learning how to effectively...

What is a Shamble in Golf? Mastering the Strategic Team Tournament Format

Have you ever wondered what the term “shamble” means when golfers talk about an...

How to Carry a Golf Bag Properly Without Strain or Injury

Struggling under the literal weight of an overstuffed golf bag leads to backaches rather than...

Who Owns Pebble Beach Golf Course? Unpacking 100+ Years of Ownership at the Iconic Resort

For over 100 years, world-renowned Pebble Beach golf links has both thrilled sport icons and stumped...

What is a Shank in Golf and How Can You Cure This Frustrating Miss?

Ever hit a shot that screamed off the course at a weird sideways angle? If so, you’ve likely...